Social Media and your Job Search: Do's and Don'ts

Social Media and your Job Search: Do’s and Don’ts

Social media has been trending for years. With new and improved social media outlets you are able to stay connected all the time. However, social media does have it’s evils and can affect your job search. Here are some social media do’s and don’ts for your job search:


  • Create and maintain social media profiles to expand and grow your network. Create a LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook profile. Presently, you can do a job search on any of those outlets and potentially find jobs.
  • Take the time to join groups that pertain to your industry. Like or follow companies in your industry. This will help you expand and grow your network. Potentially connecting you to your next job opportunity. And stay updated and current on your profiles with your information.
  • Google yourself. Search yourself and try to find out what is out there on you. You want to try and keep your privacy settings on the social media sites on high. There is a lot of sharing that happens and if you don’t want it in the hands of your potential employer then reassess your privacy settings.


  • Post opinions that will reflect poorly on you. The staffing specialist or potential employer can do a quick Google search on you. With a click of button they may be able to see these things and deem you unworthy of the job. Be meticulous of your postings.
  • Post an inappropriate profile photo of yourself. Keep it classy – get a nice clean cut picture of yourself. Also don’t post pictures of your pets as your profile picture either. Even though your social media site may not have anything to do with your job search. You can be searched and it may come up – be smart and keep it professional.
  • Forget their are other social media outlets. By now there at thousands of outlets that can be explored. Don’t limit yourself to just the popular ones. There could be outlets that have been created specifically for your industry. Take the time to explore them.

Social media has it’s pros and it also has it’s cons. Follow the do’s and don’ts and it will help with your next job search!


How to gracefully reject a Job Offer

How to turn down a Job Offer

In today’s discussion, we will be going over how to turn down a job offer. Getting a job offer is one of the most exciting moments of the whole process. Let’s say after looking through the offer and considering your future you feel it’s best to forego this offer. You must be the bearer of bad news. It can be difficult, but if we have the right approach you can leave the situation with a positive outcome.

Firstly, there are many different reasons as to why you would reject a job offer. The terms and conditions are not satisfactory, the employer may have offered below your salary expectations, or the benefits are subpar. The job description has described responsibilities that you are unwilling to accept. You received an offer from another organization and felt it was better to accept that one. Whatever the reason may be, you must notify the person who presented you the offer.

There are three main aspects to rejecting a job offer. First, you should always show your appreciation. In your email or call, thank them for the offer and their time. Second, get right into the reason why you are not accepting the offer. Always be political, for whatever reason you are rejecting the offer you must display how the opportunity was not right for you at this time. Lastly, always leave on a positive note. Thank them once again and suggest staying in touch. Sometimes because of the industry you’re in there are chances of running into each other in the future. It’s best to leave on that positive note and keep things friendly.

When rejecting a job offer you need to make sure it’s done promptly. There is nothing worse than sitting on the decision and making the employer wait. It reflects poorly on you. Additionally, there is also nothing worse than not responding at all. Giving an employer no notice of your rejection can be detrimental to your career.  You may run into these people in the future. Imagine the awkward run in after not letting them know you rejected their offer. And when you are rejecting the offer be meticulous in how you handle yourself. Every action you make is a direct reflection on yourself.

how to dress for your next job interview

How to Dress for Your Next Job Interview

Choose the right clothes for your next job interview.  Studies show that people make decisions about others based on their appearance in the first few seconds after meeting. Do you look like you could do the job? Use these tips on how to dress for your next job interview.

Interview Dress Code

Find out about the company dress code before your interview. Make sure you dress in comparable or more formal attire than is the norm at the company. Even in a company that has a very casual dress code, it is appropriate to dress up for your first interview.


Choose something professional and conservative. Neutral colours such as black, navy or grey are safe choices. Clothes that fit well will leave the best impression. Choose something that makes you feel both confident and comfortable. Invest in a couple of outfits and be ready to attend multiple interviews with a company.

A shirt with a collar is a must for men and can be a good choice for women too. Suits are not as common today, so find out what is the norm before investing in a suit jacket. In the Financial and Legal professions suits and ties are still common.


Clean, polished, and comfortable shoes are important. For men choose loafers or lace up dress shoes. For women flats or low heel shoes or boots are good choices. For some positions steeled toed shoes may be appropriate if a plant tour is part of the interview process.


Keep your accessories simple. Minimal jewelry or a small scarf is preferred to oversized accessories. For men a belt to match your shoe colour is a good choice.


Good grooming is a must. Consider a haircut and beard trim before the interview. Fingernails should be clean and trimmed. For women, keep your make up natural. If you wear nail polish make sure it is a neutral colour and freshly applied – no polish is better than chipped nail polish. Many workplaces are scent free so it is best to go without fragrance.

Final Word about Personal Style

Do I really need to dress this way for a job interview? This advice is useful for many job seekers, but not for everyone. If you work in a creative field you will likely choose to dress in a manner that reflects your personal style. If you are most comfortable in a t-shirt, jeans and runners and you plan to wear this to work daily, you may choose not to dress up for an interview. This interview dress code advice is aimed at giving you a chance to make a good first impression. The plan is to have the interviewer focus on your job skills, not on how you look.

Most Common Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Congratulations – you’ve gotten a job interview! The next step is to prepare for this interview to ensure you present yourself as a professional and experienced candidate.  Here are some of the most common job interview mistakes to avoid.

1.Showing up Late

First impressions are extremely important in an interview.  Arriving late demonstrates poor time management skills and can also show a lack of respect for the company and your interviewer.  It is always a good idea to plan your route beforehand and arrive early.  If you are going to be late due to unforeseen circumstances, always call the company to let them know.

2. Dressing Inappropriately

It’s important to look professional and polished for each interview.  You can vary your attire based on the position you are applying, but always be sure to look well-dressed and put-together no matter the company and position.  A simple tip – it’s never a good idea to wear jeans to an interview!

3. Talking Too Much

Most interviewees will say that one of the worst parts of the interview is having a candidate that goes on and on and on.  Keep your answers simple and succinct; there is no need to delve into your life story in an interview.  Keep your answers pertaining to the actual question, and do not go off on tangents that have nothing to do with the question that was asked.  Be to-the-point and focused – don’t ramble.

4. Not Knowing Anything About the Company

One of the most common interview questions is ‘what do you know about the company.’   Therefore not being prepared for this question can potentially demonstrate a lack of preparedness and interest in the role or company.  It’s easy to do a bit if background research on the company’s website in order to show that you have prepared for the interview, and that you are eager to work there.

5. Speaking Negatively About Past Companies or Employers

It’s never a good idea to speak negatively about past employers or companies.  You want to present yourself in a way that you are able to work well with others and handle conflicts in a mature way, rather than badmouthing coworkers.  Also, you never know who your interviewer might know – they may worked with the person you are speaking negatively about.  You don’t want the interviewer to think that you may speak negatively about their company or employees as well should you leave their company. 

6. Not Having Questions Prepared

Almost every interviewer will ask if you have any questions at the end of the interview.  Be prepared for this point of the interview and have some questions ready to ask.  Also, be sure to review some questions that you should not ask during an interview such as: did I get the job, or how long will I have to wait until I get a pay raise/promotion.

Use this list to help you avoid the most common interview mistakes.  Be prepared for your interview in order to present yourself as a professional and qualified candidate.   Good Luck!







Handling Job Search Disappointments

Handling Job Search Disappointments – Fusion Career Blog

As candidates, one way or another you will experience the feeling of disappointment in your job search. Whether your application was rejected or you find out you didn’t get the job after an interview – we can all agree that disappointment is one of the worst feelings. Changing your mindset and your overall outlook can help you overcome these feelings. Here are some tips that can help you in handling job search disappointments:

Look at the positives

When we find ourselves in a position of feeling disappointed we go straight to the negatives. We criticize ourselves or the company, or the specific interviewer. We think of arbitrary reasons to make ourselves feel better. Next time, reflect on the positive moments. Maybe think about what you learned, what you enjoyed, anything that can be taken as a positive.

Stay Focused

Feeling disappointed often derails us from our job search. When it comes to job searching there is a certain type of focus that needs to be maintained. When you realize that the overall goal is more important than your emotions, it will ultimately lead to your success. Keep a focused mindset, and always go back to what your original plan was.

Let it go

When searching for a job we must always accept that there will be disappointment. We almost must train ourselves to realize that it is a feeling in life that will come up from time to time. And when it comes we need to be prepared to withstand it. Rather than succumbing to disappointment, have your moment – whether it’s an hour, or a day. Take the moment to feel the way you feel and just let it go and push forward. Nothing kills motivation and success faster than when you let your emotions get the best of you.

We must all accept that disappointment is a part of life and we can’t control when it comes up. What we can control is ourselves, and how we handle it. Don’t succumb to the disappointment, learn from it, rise above it and have your success.

Interview Questions to Ask in an Interview

Interview Questions to Ask in an Interview

When a candidate is granted an interview it is a huge step forward in the process. Typically, candidates will take the opportunity to research the employer, see who they are and really try their best to impress them. However, as candidates you should also take the time to prepare interview questions to ask in an interview. Here is a start to your preparation with three main questions everyone should ask in their interview.

Could you describe a typical day for this role?

Job descriptions say a lot about what the role requires and what skills you need. But it does not tell you how a typical day can look like. Descriptions do not tell you the volume of calls you may receive, or the amount of work there is. Asking this question will clarify what your day may look like, and will offer you more clarity in potentially accepting the role.

What are the growth opportunities for a person in this position?

This question will allow you to see where the position you are interviewing for can potentially take you. It also puts the employer in a position to talk further about the growth opportunities. Whether, they fund an education program, or they promote within their company. This question will really allow you to see your growth potential in the organization.

Could you describe the company culture?

Company culture is an interesting question because this where you can see if you will fit in overall. However, answers for this questions can be vague and it is okay to probe. If an employer answers with fun and dynamic, you can probe and ask what they mean by that. Does it mean the team goes out and participates in outside activities? Is the team a part of sports team? There are many questions that can help in finding out what the company culture is like. Be meticulous and ask the right questions, the interview does not need to be skewed in a different direction. Find out what the culture is like and if it fits within your values it will make the decision of accepting all the easier.

Finding that right opportunity involves many steps, and one of them is interviewing your potential employers. You should be just as impressed with the employer as they should be impressed with you. The questions listed above are guidelines to further questions that can be asked.