Doing Your Homework – Job Search Company Research

The most important part of the job search is the interview. This is where you come face-to-face with the hiring manager. Doing your homework on company research will better prepare you for the interview.

You’ve updated your resume, sent it out, possibly had a phone screening, and (YES!) you’ve landed an interview. Now you wait, right?

Wrong. Being well-prepared for the interview is vital before you get into the hot seat. It’s time to start doing your homework.

What kind of research should you do?

It’s best to start with the basics. These four steps will set you off on the right foot:

  1. First, check their ‘About Us’ or ‘Overview’ page. This page will take you through the history of the company, when they started, who founded the company, why they are in existence and what they are doing presently. The Mission Statement explains the company’s goals and values. This tells a story of what they’ve done and where they are headed.
  2. Next, head over to their ‘Portfolio’. Various companies may label this differently. Their portfolio shows the types of projects they have worked on, and what type of work they typically do. So, you will find who their main customers are or which industry they serve the most.
  3. Look at the company’s corporate social responsibility section. You will learn about how they participate in voluntary activities to better the society.
  4. Search Google for recent news articles that involve the company. This will give you an external perspective. Branch out to company/product reviews to get a feel for the company’s reputation.

A hiring manager gauges your knowledge about their company. For instance, what types of projects have they worked on? Who are their customers? How do they give back to their community? Be sure to explore anything outside of these points too, it is important to go through areas of the website that are relevant and learn as much as you can. Don’t limit yourself to only their website.

A skim read is good enough

NO! Envision where you can see yourself fit in. Do not be afraid to broach the topic during the interview. Your interviewers will be impressed that you took the time and effort to do your homework.

Don’t stress

Employers are not looking to see if you can memorize their website. They want to know if you’re prepared. Prepared to answer those types of questions, and to see how much research you can do with limited resources. Not all websites will give you all the information you need and that’s okay. Look externally. Google it!

Spend quality time doing your homework

It will make you seem well informed. It will show the employer the amount of interest you have and how dedicated you are to want to be working for them. These are all positive qualities to have when interviewing.

Show what you know

Most candidates do not do this step and consequentially do not stand out. But, make sure that you do not bring it up where it is not appropriate. The best time to show your research might be at the end, during the chance to ask questions.


Want more? Check out Indeed’s extensive list of suggestions here

networking tips

Networking Tips – How to become a Better Networker – 5 Tips for Job Seekers

Networking is a professional skill that, when done well, can improve your career prospects.

Many people are not comfortable networking and don’t know where to start. Follow these tips to improve networking at your next event or with your on-line community.

5 Networking Tips:

  1. Become a blogger on LinkedIn: Tools such as LinkedIn have made some forms of networking almost effortless.  This social networking site allows people to connect with individuals from all over the world. One way to expand your connections on LinkedIn is through sharing information and ideas.  If you have expertise in a specific field you may wish to blog about topics of interest to you and your network. By sharing ideas, commenting on other people’s blogs and answering industry specific questions you may build a reputation as an industry-wide leader. As more people share your blog you will expand your professional connections. One of these new connections could lead to your next career opportunity.  
  2. Volunteer for Networking Events: You can instantly become a better networker by being actively involved at events. Try this networking tip the next time you attend an event – contact the head of the event and take the initiative to volunteer. Helping event organizers will not only assist you to stand out from the crowd, but it will also be an asset to relationship building. Ultimately, instead of aimlessly walking around to connect to or speak to the “right” person, your network opportunities will come naturally without you even realizing.
  3. Be an active listener: Listening is a skill. Chances are, if you are a natural observer, you may be a great listener.  Especially when meeting someone new, take the time to actively listen to the person’s tone and what they are saying. Show interest by asking questions. For example ask: “why did you choose to attend this event?”, “how did you get into your field of work?” “what excites you about your work?” or “what problems are you facing at your workplace?” By showing an interest, you can create a lasting impression and make a valuable connection.
  4. Become a Connector: This is a networking tip people don’t often consider. Solve problems by connecting people in your network who have the skills to help each other. You will not directly benefit, but this type of networking, connecting and helping others rarely goes un-noticed.  Eventually, someone will offer the same service to you.
  5. Follow up: If you want to be successful in your networking endeavors, the follow up is absolutely crucial. It is key to initiate contact via LinkedIn, email, phone call or text within a 48 hour time-frame. Are you following up with a question, sharing information, or asking for a meeting? Make sure you have a plan. The follow up step allows you to develop a new professional relationship. You may or may not get a response. Don’t get discouraged.

Procrastinate no more. Use these networking tips and start connecting to the people who can help advance your career now! 

Naina is a guest blogger for Fusion Career Services. Leave a comment below or reply to