Personal Issues Affecting Your Work

5 Ways to Stop Personal Issues from Affecting Your Work

Life is often messy and personal issues affect us all. The importance is being able to stop them from affecting your performance at work. Below are 5 Ways to Stop Personal Issues from Affecting Your Work:

  1. Talk to your boss

We’re all people and have our own issues that we face. If you find yourself struggling with something, have a chat with your boss or employer to let them know what you’re going through. Explain that you’re working on it and that a decline in performance is temporary while you sort it out. Communication is an imperative tool in any situation. Acknowledging that there is an issue before your performance suffers will fare much better than having a conversation after the fact. Your boss may think that you are lazy or unmotivated without communication.

  1. Set Digital Boundaries

Social Media has enabled us to unlimited connectivity with both positive and detrimental effects. Set digital boundaries to limit the amount of time you spend focusing on your personal issue while at work. This will allow yourself to check in on the issue, without letting it take over your day. This can be a challenge as we tend to become engulfed in information and updates. Be strict with yourself!

  1. Take Time Off

Depending on the personal issue that you’re experiencing, it may be beneficial to take some time off work to ensure your emotional needs are met. Much the same as airline safety, we cannot take care of others if we do not take care of ourselves first. For those tougher personal issues, have a talk with your boss to discuss taking time off for rest and recovery while you sort through and recuperate.

  1. Ensure Work Isn’t the Cause of the Problem

Is it possible that your current situation is a result of work-related stress? Check in with your manager to have open dialogue surrounding your performance, objectives and goals within your current company. Be honest. Perhaps they’ve noticed a decline in your motivation or deliverables. Have you received an increased workload? Are you satisfied with your current role and prospective future with your current company? Or, is it time for a change?

Take time to evaluate the cause of your stressors or personal issues. Don’t jump to conclusions but pay attention to the triggers that seem to cause dismay.

  1. Use Your Resources

Reach deep into your network or close circle for support. Talk to them and let them know you’re having troubles. We often don’t recognize that a great many of us tread the same waters. We experience the same issues. Though they may look different for everyone depending on circumstance, we all go through something.

Check with your health insurance provider to see if you have coverage to speak to a therapist. For some, a massage and some self-care is enough to build clarity and a new perspective. Learn to pay attention to what triggers your stressors or issues and also what disengages them. These become tools to help support us in our lives and our work.

With the right mindset and support system, we can overcome anything that comes our way and Stop Personal Issues from Affecting Your Work. To read more on the subject, click to find out how Personal Issues Sabotage Your Professional Success.

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