crazy questions interviewers ask

Crazy Questions Asked During Interviews

There isn’t really a right or wrong answer to crazy questions interviewers ask.

As a seasoned interviewee you have prepared detailed stories outlining your past experiences and achievements that showcase you in the best light. However, some hiring managers will still try to throw you off guard by asking you crazy questions during the interview. These questions are not necessarily designed to help break the ice, but are a questioning tactic used to help catch you unfiltered. 

There isn’t really a right or wrong answer to crazy questions that might be thrown at you during an interview. These questions are designed to help you think more creatively and help the interviewer get better insight into your personality. It’s a way for potential employers to get to know you better without asking questions that are too personal and possibly illegal.

Before you answer an unusual question, take some time to mull it over and be sure you understand the question clearly. Ask for clarification if needed. Answer questions as honestly as possible while remaining professional. It is traditional for hiring managers to ask about your past experiences and qualifications that help make you a good candidate for the position. Strange questions that make you think quickly are excellent in helping hiring managers determine other important qualities. Some examples of good qualities employers are looking for are: empathy, sensitivity, good communication skills as well as the ability to think on one’s feet. 

Here are some crazy questions interviewers ask:

What was the last book you read?

Employers like potential employees who keep current on industry trends and read publications as well as local and world news.

If you could be any character in fiction, who would you want to be?

Your answer to this question could help reveal a lot about your interests and personality.

If you had the opportunity, what historical figure would you invite to dinner?

You should consider answering this question by choosing a historical figure related to your particular industry. Even if you would be interested in meeting another person, stay focused on the job you want.

If you only had six months left to live, what would you do with the time?

Your answer to this question will help give you an opportunity to express your goals and planning style.

If someone were to write a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

Your answer will show your creativity, personality and will offer a summary of your accomplishments.

These are just a small sample of crazy questions interviewers ask. Do you have an unusual interview question to share?

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