Delivering bad news at work? Here are the steps to follow.

Delivering bad news to employees is the least favorite part of the job of every leader. Whether you’re disciplining employees, letting people know company is not doing well or the worst, letting someone go, the conversation can be tough.

Delivering bad news at work can be difficult; whether it affects the employees, the organization or both, an inspiring leader’s approach will help all parties out of the predicament and improve the experience. Here are some primary steps and a few tips on how to navigate through the difficult situation.

Prepare for the conversation

When delivering bad news at work, the first step is to make sure you have all the background information needed and the necessity to deliver the news has been justified. Ensure you know why and how decision was made, who was responsible for making it, what situation it was made in, and the possibilities and outcomes considered. Be prepared for the reaction and be cautious of your reaction to the reaction.


This is the opportunity to improve the situation. Provide context, be honest and compassionate. You don’t need to sugar-coat what is unpleasant nor you should be cold and robotic. Clearly explain the issue and rationale and leave no room for misinterpretation. People are more willing to listen when they realize the decision made was fair. Talk about the facts and avoid sharing your personal viewpoint.

Allow for venting

The employees will likely have questions. Listen and be calm. Give them enough time to process the situation. Employees will get emotional and it’s your job as a leader to absorb some of that emotion. Don’t let the conversation turn into a negotiation. Then help the employee or team move forward and focus on future. Show them that you will be a partner in whatever comes next and they’ll have your support.

Delivering bad news at work is hard, but it’s unavoidable. You can’t make bad news less painful, but you can deliver it in the most respectful and compassionate way possible. Understand all about the decision, prepare how you’re going to state it, explain the logic as clearly as possible, let people take the news in, show empathy and focus on moving forward.



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