safety program quality improvement steps

Safety Program Quality Improvement – Small Business

An annual HS policy review is a great first step for setting safety program quality improvement goals.

How should a small business manager approach identifying OHS quality improvement priorities?   An annual review of the business HS policy and program is a good place to start.

Smaller businesses often have difficulty achieving high quality safety programs. This can lead to not meeting legislated workplace health and safety requirements or workplace injury incidents. Issues related to lack OHS knowledge and human resource, time or budget constraints all affect the decisions small business managers make about safety program quality improvement.

Quality expectations develop from the demands of the business’ stakeholders. Stakeholders, such as employees, customers, vendors, local community members and government organizations, have various expectations regarding the safety standards of a business’ products, services and work practices. Meeting stakeholder safety expectations is important.  Safety focused businesses save money with fewer injuries and illness costs, improved profits due to satisfied customers and improved employee retention.

The OHS expectations that stakeholders have can become HS quality improvement goals.  Common quality expectations for small businesses include:

  • Low incidence of workplace injuries and illness;
  • Safe, efficient work practices using proven procedures, techniques, modern technology and training;
  • Easy to manage HS program including clear communication to stakeholders;
  • Minimal use of resources, such money, time and people, to administer the program;
  • Achievement of legal and moral due diligence.

Small business owners must commit the time necessary to learn about and innovatively develop affordable, easy to manage OHS procedures within their resource-limited operations. The first step is to identify OHS quality improvements goals based on the unique demands of the business’ stakeholders. Diligently and creatively working on safety program quality improvement will result in satisfied stakeholders and optimize business success.

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Audra Sayn-Wittgenstein

Audra divides her time as a business and Health & Safety manager establishing and maintaining management systems for Fusion and our clients.

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